' In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path.' Proverbs 3:6

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Key to Mom's Heart

Mother's day was Sunday and Monday was my baby boys 15 month milestone.
As most moms feel, I believe I'm the most blessed momma there is!
This was my 2nd mothers day with Kellen.

When you're a parent these calendar holidays mean more to you. Mother's day is more special as well because not only do I now know what all it means to be a mom to a sweet baby, but I also now get how much my mom loves me. All the years of sacrificing her own wants and needs in order to make sure mine were always met. There are times I just watch Kellen and feel so sad for those children out there that didnt have a loving mom.. Or someone to fill that role and take care of them and protect them from harm. A great mom loves you unconditionally and supports you always. As adults we tend to forget how much time and energy our moms spent making sure we were changed, fed, safe...No matter how old we get we are still the key holders to our mothers heart and she loves us more than we'll ever know. What an amazing creation a woman is! I feel verry sorry for those that do not understand and respect how significant women are. 
I visited the ol archives and brought out these little goodies.. No matter what year it is or where or whos involved, the birth of your baby changes your life forever.

and then I had to add this little treasure as well.. This picture makes me smile every time I see it. Wow things change over the years but it looks like personalities stay about the same. ha
Jon was blessed with an amazing momma also.
She loves him more then life and her grandbabies are her world.
I feel lucky to have a great example in my own mom but now in Jon's mom also.
I feel like they both teach me things weekly on how to better be a wife and mom, and most importantly a christian woman.
 We have a lot of cute memories from when Jaxson was little of taking him to the park to feed the ducks.  He always loved it so we decided Saturday was a good day to take Kellen. The sunshine has been making an appearance for a few days now, and we are all itching to get out and soak up that D!
We went in the afternoon and are guessing that the ducks had been fed all day long and by the time we got there they were full. They werent tackling us or eating out of our hands like they had done in the past.
But it was still entertaining to watch Kellen decide if he wanted to throw the bread for the ducks or feed himself!
Oh and he also brought along his 'serious' expression.. I'm starting to think its an alter ego that comes out when wearing the shades... down to K business!   

Swinging will get those smiles though... such a happy boy!
Which brings me to the fact that yesterday was this sweet boys 15 month milestone... sigh

At 15 months he runs FAST... Throws the ball already, I think hes gonna have an arm! :)
He hums and sings and says Mimi now.. He calls his Gramma, Nay-nay and thinks its funny.. she thinks its cute and so do we so she might just be nay-nay to him, we'll see.
Jon and I love to clap and say 'yay' after he does something good because he will smile really big and clap and say yay with us... warms my heart when he claps and smiles. one of my favorite things.
He's started bringing me his shoes when he wants to go outside. I can't wait to get him one of those red neck kiddy pools for the back yard! I want the round blue plastic one too.. do it up right!
His sippy cup is his 'dink' and I now call it this also. If we are talking about something funny hes done, he listens and then laughs even before we do. He has 'hot' things down pat and so he worries that everything on his plate is hot.. so he will blow on it himself before he eats it and if its remotely warm he will let it fall back out of his mouth and stick out his tongue and say ehhhh and make the funniest face. I cant help but think this is cute! Loves to brush his teeth and hair, read books, play with everything in drawers and cabinets, stick his hand in the toilet, flush the toilet.. haha
Jaxson has a little shelf in his room that has lots of books and toys on it (jaxson likes to read also)
One of the cutest things is when I'll be doing laundry across the hall and peek in jaxson's room and Kellen is setting in his floor with 5 or 6 of his books just turning the pages and reading away.. in Kelloneeze of course, but its so cute. I'll say, 'what are you reading?' and he'll talk as if he's answering me and just keep reading. adorable!
These are some pictures props I made last week for some upcoming pics and Kellen was nice enough to help me try them out in our backyard. I love these pictures because it gives a glimpse of his personality. So cute and handsome and goofy and funny all at the same time, little charmer!

Thank you Lord for blessing us with such a precious gift. Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's day weekend.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Momma's still in charge!

This picture pretty much sums it up for you...lol 
The MOMMA is in charge in this situation, dont you fret! ha 
It has been several months now but I think K and I both are just now adjusting to the life change of staying home each week together.
Going from a full time job of 40+ a week to being home with my son has been a life adjustment but I'm happy to report its AWESOME and I feel completely blessed.
The weather has been wild in Arky for the duration so we've spent a looooot of time inside. At this point I can't tell if we stay home because of the weather or because were both just homebodies and prefer it that way...
Either way, its safe to say its contributed to Kellen's love for exploring all nooks and crannys throughout the house and his momma's willingness to just let him!
It would be a complete waste of my time to stress the fact that he leaves a mess in each room he goes into throughout the course of his day. He knows what is off limits, like outlets and the cabinet under the sink.. He will walk by it, stop and point and say 'NO-NO'.
It is cool to watch him play and learn and explore. This age is messy, yes... but completely FUN for both of us!

This is his hiding spot... He recently discovered that it's also a cabinet full of toddler toys!

Right after he was done removing the tin foil from the Reynolds box and replacing it with the kleenex he had in his hand, he decided to 'help' me unload the dishwasher.. He snagged him out a black bowl and took it over to his snacks and put 2 cheddar bunnies in the bowl.. He walked to the living room, sat down in his chair and ate the 2 cheddar bunnies.. He then got up, walked back to his snacks, put 2 more cheddar bunnies in his bowl, went back to his chair , sat down and ate those 2.. The 3rd time he got up and left his bowl in his chair.. but he still walked over to the snacks, got the 2 cheddar bunnies and then walked them back over to his bowl, put them in the bowl, then sat down and ate them out of the bowl... This process went on for a good 15 minutes.. not one cheddar bunny or 3, but TWO every time.
KIDZ are priceless!
The flooding in our area has been devestating to people we know so I wont even attempt to make light of the recent non stop rain.. but since it has rained so much our playing has been confined to indoor. For the first couple of days K would just stand at the door and beg to go outside.. A couple of times he even brought me his shoes or he would set in the floor by the door and be trying to put his own shoes on. (another priceless thing to watch babies do.)
I thought what the hay, if he cant go outside i'll just bring his outside toys in!

He agreed that this was a great idea!

Approaching 15 months old... the vocabulary bank is growing with a quickness.
'Hot' and 'bye' are the words of the month for now...
he points to the dryer, coffee cups,  that are hot and he tells everyone 'BYE'
and waves his little hand sideways, love it.
Still loves bananas and green beans and yogurt.. eats them every day.
I cant help but laugh every time I open my sock drawer and there is a hot wheels in there. The best is when I go to get a plastic bowl out of the kitchen and there is a peice of his waffle bite he has put in the bowl!
Love this baby!