' In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path.' Proverbs 3:6

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sweet Little Easter Sunday

We took the boys to church Easter Sunday morning and then headed for Pops and Mimi's house for some good eats and cool treats.
Check out my cutie-kins niece above.. she had a ball chasin after some eggs and just like Kellen she preferred to set and eat the candy rather than keep going after more eggs. ha
and my mom had a fun idea with some paper mache' eggs.. the kids made them earlier in the week. they took it as serious business to try and get the candy out! well, at least Jaxson did.. again, Lily and Kellen just wanted access to some candy! lol  

Check out Jaxson's facial expression in this next one.. I'd say that is T-total concentration.
Get it Jax, get it. 

'In the world ye shall have tribulations: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.' - John 16:33
'He's aliiiive....he's aliiiive...hes alive and I am forgiven, heavens gates are open wide.' - I can close my eyes and still remember the sound of Sang Avenues choir director singing this song during service. Jerry, you rocked that song time after time! As an adult some of my favorite songs are still some that were sang in service growing up.. Man how I miss that church sometimes.. but the point being, there is a legit reason we celebrate Easter and it has nothing to do with eggs or candy or pictures!
Place your faith in Christ and know that your sins are forgiven and know where you will spend eternity.
I have said many MANY times, I'm the most imperfect person I know, literally. but I do know my sins are forgiven and I'm a child of God.

My brother was trying to help the kids count their eggs, and had to keep starting all over because they were 'helping' him count... ha  

From our sweet family to yours,
Happy Easter 2012

Brotherly Cuteness, with some big boy hair cuts!

The brotherly cuteness is soaring high on these spring goodies...
...and as you can see, Kellen is sporting his big boy hair trim!
it really does make him look so much older and feels like hes grown a foot. Regardless, he is still my sweet baby boy that loves his big brother, gets excited to see him, and is so concerned about where he is when he is gone..
The beauty of the way I do pictures is that we can set up a little something not far from our house and the entire process can take less than 15 minutes.. and since Jaxson is only here for a couple days out of each month this method works out well!
9 out of 10 visits with him we have to fit in a lot of family to make sure everyone gets to see him. I am always impressed with his willingness to be a good sport about pictures. One thing is for sure, right along with those missing teeth is a growing boy!
Before we got these, he bargained with me that we could do 12 pictures each... and as always, I agree to whatever it is. ha

We are so blessed to have two healthy happy kids.
Counting our blessings one by one.

Foundations Easter Egg Hunt 2012

I think our S.School class needs to each have about 2 more kids a piece, what do you think ??
With what seemed like 800 kids, we wrangled our kiddos around for the annual class Easter egg hunt. Held at the Simpson's fun filled farm this year.. This place is perfection for kids. Complete with horses, stables, lots of room to run, and a pond stocked to the rim with fish.. Outings like this one make me fully aware of how much of an over protective paranoid momma type I am, considering I spent more time standing over my child to make sure he wasn't standing in the pond than I did socializing with anyone else.. oops

Kellen pretty much found his first egg and set down to open it and eat the candy.. and we're hoping that Jaxson saved a few for the other kids as he is big on making sure he is able to fill his basket to max capacity.
Both boys were all about the fishing.. Kellen just observed the older boys fishing and then wanted to touch the fish once they caught them. and Jax would dig in the worm tub and make sure they stayed in fresh supply of worms for the next catch! some of the longest worms I've ever seen. gag

Next year we will need to bring our poles, as this was the main event of the outing!
fun fun family fun

Dudes lookin dapper

Had to... just HAAAAAD to post these pictures of my sweet cakes pronto! even though he has actually had a big boy hair cut since these were taken and no longer has his sweet boy golden locks. Jon was not happy that I had his hair cut, but I felt like with a blazin hot summer coming up and so much playing outside he would need a summer trim. I will admit, I miss it too..sigh
These are his Easter duds, aren't they dapper ?!
Lacking personality, he is not! This child keeps me entertained at all times. Of course he reserves most of his quick witt for his family and in his comfort zones.. when in public or around random people he tends to keep a serious expression on his face.. This always cracks me up because I know exactly where he gets that from.. his momma!

The vocabulary at this point is that of a full grown person and he still has trouble pronouncing f''s..
so when he wants me to put my shoes on he goes to get me my 'slip slops'. love it.
Many sentences are started with the words 'I think...'
on our car rides to Mimi's house in the mornings, he tells me things like 'I think its gonna rain.'
and 'I think Pops is workin today.' and 'I think we're almost there.'
Jumping off furniture is no big thing... and we're still hiding in random places around our house from the Grizzly bear that lives in the wash room and eats all our mismatched socks. I try to convince him it's a barracuda but he knows for sure its a grizzly bear.

Playing outside... all he really ever wants to do. we try to accommodate as much as possible.
Our grand plan to move is getting closer and closer so we have put off buying outdoor
play equipment until we get settled into our next home... but its starting
to seem like we cant deprive this child of a jungle gym any longer.
we will see!