' In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path.' Proverbs 3:6

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


OK, so we're giving this pet owner thing another try...
I think this one is going to work out for us.. (sigh of relief)
Abby was as sweet as peach pie and we liked her so much, but
she was not the dog for our family. We ended up giving her
back to my cousin where we had gotten her in the first place.
With that said, on one of our many walks around our block
there was a momma dog out in the yard playing with
her pups and as we walked down the road they
kept following us.
K and I, of course were petting them and admiring
how cute they were.. but we finally got them to stay with their
mom and we walked on.. so the next walk, the owner was
outside with them and I nonchalantly struck up convo and
asked if they planned to give them away. She said they
were keeping them.. so that was that..
Well a couple days later we were walking again, and this time
they stopped us and asked if we were interested in a puppy and
I said yes, and he walks over and hands me one and says 'here you go, he's 3 months old, his names Tiny.'
I was a little dumb founded, but after asking a few questions I was like OK, why not.
so we walked home with a dog!
This of course was an eye rolling moment for the hubs when we stroll up
with a pup in hand. But K and I held our ground (begged and pleaded.)
I mean seriously, the guy told me he was born on February 9th... That is Kellen's birthday.
How could that NOT be meant to be ??!!
It's allllll about the logic folks.
Seriously though, I hear my boy ask about having a dog every day and talking about it
and pretending he has one. He is meant to have a dog and so I got him a dog!
They are best buds. We discussed a few name changes, but Tiny ultimately stuck.
He is a Chihuahua mix. He's the runt. and is one of the sweetest natured
pups I have ever seen. He is smart and doesn't meet a stranger, but
he already knows when to bark in our honor. well, its pretty much a bark. ha  
After the first night we had him, Jon said Kellen woke up and ran out of his bed and ran down the hall and back down the hall 'where's my puppy?' and Jon was like ' what puppy, we didn't get a puppy?' ... So Kellen was frantically looking for his dog until he found him.  
 As he tells me this story Jon's just laughing like its so funny and I'm just looking at him rolling my eyes. CRUEL, just cruel

K holds him every direction and Tiny just tolerates it.
Kellen will rub his nose into his fur and be like 'who's my good boy??'
I chuckle about this every day.  
Jaxson got to meet him on his last visit. He approves, which is always
a positive for our family.  Apparently Chihuahuas are cold natured
and shiver a lot even in hot weather, so I went on a hunt to find him
some clothes. To my disappointment our local stores had NOTHING.
Some friends reminded me of the sock sweater so I gave it a shot.
The boys thought it was great and made suggestions for his
next sweater to have a hoodie and a cape.
Boys think everything needs a cape!

As the days are adding up, his personality is
coming out a little more and more. he tries to stock pile socks, hats, and flip flops for his
chewing enjoyment at a later date. If he gets in trouble he goes to his crate and pouts. The word enormous doesn't even describe the two dogs on the other side of the fence, so you can imagine how funny it looks when their shapes are on the fence looking like they could jump over it at any minute, and then our 2lb. guard dog is standing their barking back at them like he's waiting for them to make a move.
We take him lots of places and he is for sure an easy going lap dog, but he
also has a playful side that will play fetch and get rowdy. So best of both worlds.
Of course at the vet we met a Golden doodle that we decided we need to get next so
Tiny will have a friend. Jon told me I'd be single with a couple dogs to raise if I brought any more pets home... I of course laughed but I'm pretty sure he's not kidding. ha
Tiny is going to win him over though, don't you worry. This little fur-ball with all ears is going to melt that heart!

Let the Games Begin!

Let the 'games' begin!
All the anticipation for when they will start playing sports... the practices, the gear, the games, the cheering... it has all been exactly  how I would have wanted it to be.
These kids are pure entertainment and we are loving his first year of T-ball.
It is a joy to watch him play.  

I am so happy that Jon is able to assist in coaching
and be a part of this with him. It's almost too precious.
and both of our parents have been great about coming to his games.
The next one was of his first practice. I think I was more excited
and giddy for this day than he was... and he was

I didn't catch it, because I was trying to gracefully get
my 80 year old knees up off the field where I had been sitting, but
according to aunt Dana and Gramma he stood up and gave
his adoring fans a dance and jig after 'sliding' into
home plate.
His best buddy on his team has been Kylie from the first
practice. They are hilarious to watch. They both want to
stand by each other on the field and in the batting line up,
and even if they start out across the field from each other
they each work their way towards the other. its a hoot.
After the first game they were leaving and they hugged.
and then on the way to the car she told him bye and blew him a kiss.
OH For Pete Sake, does it really have to start this early ??!
sigh again. 
She is really sweet and they are buddies. Her mom and I just giggle.  
I have refrained from bringing my 200mm lens to every single
game and set on the field and take pictures of my kid like its
the world series, I have brought it a few times and there is a good
chance I'll bring it next game.:)
I do what I do!