Jon and I went back and forth on whether or not we should take the boys with us on our vacation this summer. It was a hard decision and I missed Kellen more than I can even find the words to explain. K spent half the time with my parents and half with Jon's. He got to see almost all of his family during that time and he had an absolute blast without us. Though I REFUSE to leave him for a full week ever again, ha, I am glad we went and even more glad we are back home! :)
It goes to show you how fast they are growing at this age because only in a weeks time he picked up new words and quirky things he does.
We got back and his knew words were 'mummy' and 'dahdee'.. and I asked both our parents 'who did he hang out with that was British?!
He also now says 'no' very clear and shakes his head.. I say Kellen do you need to go pee pee and he says 'no,no,no' and shakes his head no.
This age is priceless to us parents. The other day towards the end of dinner Jon took his spoon away from him because he was playing with it and he put his head down, put on a pouty face and said, 'my pooon'.
It just plays over and over in my head and makes me smile, precious.
He has a pastel yellow blanket with monkey print on one side of it. I like the material so I just wash it every couple of days and keep it in his bed to sleep with. I guess because of it always being there he has adopted this as his favorite blanket. Calls it his 'bank'. He loves it and will drag it around the house and play with it or lay on it or whatever.. Every morning when he gets up he yells out 'momma' and I come get him tell him good morning and pick him up.. He will reach down to get his blanket to take it with us.
Our routine is simple. I carry him to the couch, turn on cartoons, and get him chocolate milk.
He will set on the couch with his 'bank' in hand and watch cartoons until the milk is gone, and then he'll either ask for 'mor' or he'll get up and go play.
Well a couple days ago Jon got him up before me and they came in to tell me good morning. We played around for a while and I finally said, 'you ready to go get chocolate milk and watch cartoons?'
He jumps down off the bed and darts down the hall way headed to the couch with me right behind him.
At the end of the hall he stops, turns around and points to his room and says very clearly, 'OH, my BANK!'
so of course we back tracked to the room and got his bank.
I upload all of his short videos and pictures from my phone and save them, so I can't help but share a few goods I uploaded this week. Above he is so proud. He worked very hard to get daddy's shoes on and even harder to walk around the house in them. He got frustrated a few times, fell a few times, but its clear that he thought it was oh so worth it once he succeeded in his task.
His love for shades is a hoot.
He is one kid that will actually wear them and keep them on when we're out playing
or at the park or somewhere thats bright. He didn't take a pair with him to either Mimi or Gramma's houses on our trip and he begged for shades to the point they each bought him a pair while we were gone!
You can also note his location in the above picture of being on the furniture.. Well over the course of the past month his climbing skills have evolved quite nicely...
I put those delicious vanilla wafers you see there on his high chair tray and left the room for a minute.. Came back and he had moved them all over to the table and was setting and eating his snack! ha
This would be where I find him most of the time if I leave the room. He's usually pilfering through my wallet or whatever else is on the table..
He has without a doubt graduated to using the high chair seat as a booster chair.
At least I can still strap him in! And he wants plates and forks and 'poons' or he'll refuse to eat. ha
At my mom's house he stirs cookies and helps her cook things all the time, but I have been a little more reluctant to get that started at our house.. Mainly because I am 'Paranoid Patty' about everything and don't want him to fall off the chairs.. but a couple days ago I let him help me stir some corn bread mix. I scooted the chair over and he stood there helping and thinking he was such big stuff.. So the ENTIRE rest of the day that is all he wanted to do.. scoot the chair over and 'help', or scoot the chair over to wash his hands. We must have washed those fingers 85 times! I finally had to get his mind off of it by going outside (his favorite)
I got it on video, check out muscles in action...
Back to the outside part.. This appears to be almost every child I know of, they love to be outside.. This baby can be outside for 10 minutes and his hair will start getting sweaty and his cheeks will be bright red and he is squinting because the sun is so bright but it doesn't even phase him. He will play and play and play and beg to go outside every chance he gets! This week we were headed to the back yard and Jon was like, 'wait a minute, theres a snake I gotta get first.' I bet you can guess that I'm not a fan!!
I scooped up Kellen and we stood back and watched as Jon snagged a 2x4 to get rid of the garden snake. Kellen just watched and giggled the entire time..
He loves to 'help' Jon water the garden or check the mail or anything else that gets him out those doors!
Our 4th of July was good.. Jon had to work so we were bummed about him missing the fireworks. Mimi and Pops and my Aunt Barb came up and we all headed to our church to watch the display for the 2nd year in a row. It was an awesome show for sure. It was fun to watch his expressions as they exploded in the sky.. He past out about 10 minutes into it and slept the rest of the time. Zzzz..He was plum tuckered out from all the watching the big kids play and running around drinking out of Mimi and Gramma's cups and snatching up their straws!
I've been even more in awh of my child since getting back from our cruise. It seems like he grew 2 feet!
I got him dressed to go run errands with Jon and I the other day and he looked so cute I grabbed the camera and told Jon we needed to run by somewhere and get some pictures of him. Didn't have a location in mind, just wanted to get some sweet pics of our sweet boy. They grow oh too fast.
'Mummy' loves you Kellen Powell !