Well, I'm officially a very working momma these days.. Have recently gone back to work for DaySpring in the Blessings Unlimited division. So TWO jobs!! eek
Tried for a while now to get a position with this company and finally have. A few years back they added on Blessings Unlimited and its growing and becoming a fabulous 'home gathering' contender. here is the link, check it out!
http://www.blessingsunlimited.net .
In a nutshell I keep the consultant website updated, send out newsletters, and do a lot of the behind the scenes work to help keep it running smooth.. Meanwhile, I get to play with new product and give input to the creative aspect. LOVE IT ! I work for an incredible company that I believe in and have some amazing coworkers.
Though I'm missing Kellen like crazy and feel a tad overwhelmed, it has been a great step for us. With lots of weddings scheduled this summer, I am guessing there will be some trying weeks ahead requiring me to survive on little sleep in order to get it all done.. here's to hoping I'm up for the challenge!!
My rip roaring two year old is a lot like me in that he is also overwhelmed with all the changes we've had lately... He loves going to Mimi's house and getting to play with the kids there and see cousin Lily, but he's also having to adjust to less time with me and more shifting around then we're used to.
It will all work out fine.
Check out my little charmer just chillin on a dirt road...
The next one I've titled as :
'To Mimi's house we go...'
Seems fitting
This is his back pack my grandma got him for his birthday. luvs it
So far stepping on that milestone of TWO years old has brought a few changes...
His bed time has gone from 7 on the dot to about 830.. still gets up at the crack of dawn though!
This is fine on days we have to commute to Mimi's house, but on weekends or days Jon has him I would prefer him to push the snoooooze button a little longer. We're lovin the Dr. Seuss books at our house these days.. 'Theres a Wocket in my Pocket' and 'Go Dogs Go' and 'Hop on Pop' are among some of the faves. He laughs as I read along.. he'll get really tickled and then I laugh at him and so we just set and giggle for 20 minutes is pretty much our version of reading these goofy books.
Jon has him wrestling every day. Based on what I've seen, its very possible we have a first string line backer on our hands!
He picks us pretend strawberries and serves us yummy pretend juice.. he himself wont drink it of course, he says its 'gross'.. ha
He is of course testing a few boundaries to see what he can and cant get away with.
I cant tell how much of it is him being a typical two year old or him acting out a little because momma has gone back to work. either way, it is mild and he is our sweet heart that gives the best squeezy hugs in the world!