Well the expression pretty much sums up our last couple of weeks!
We got K his passport last week and while they were finishing up paperwork we decided to take some passport pics of our own.
Received the real deal in the mail a few days ago and it's just too cool that my kiddo is travel ready and we'll be off to explore the world together within months. woot
Jaxson's 8th birthday happened to fall on his June summer visit this year so we celebrated with a couple of parties. One being a cook-out that included some fancy homemade blue icing cupcakes. I've learned that I 'almost' cant go wrong on the treats with this kid as long as BLUE is involved.
Cousin Lily joined in on the celebration.
She starts school in the Fall, I can NOT believe it!
He loved all of his gifts, Mimi and Angie did AWESOME. He was tickled pii...uh..'blue'.
And we attempted a family photo to capture the event and its perfect!
I love it.
We've spent some great days at the pool this summer. Loving our membership. We took the boys golfing which was a hoot. They surprisingly did well!
Kellen kept wanting to go get the golf ball after Jon would send one sailing, and he set still in the golf cart and waited patiently .
Jax took it seriously of course, and asked a ton of questions as to what club was what and which to use when. I filled him in on some of the basic info and he was professional golfing by the end of the day.
Jon is a rock star dad. We loved the days he was with us at the pool.
On Jaxson's actual 8th birthday, we shopped, saw Monster's University and an afternoon Pool party with his cousins and some Coldstone ice cream cupcakes. If you haven't tried this sweet wonderful goodness, do yourself a favor the next time you are splurging with some sweets.. YUM
...and what's a couple of weeks of having big brother here without a couple of homemade forts in the living room ???
During the commotion I did get a quick break for a bunco night!
and as you can see I was in rare form and ready to enjoy a fun night with friends..
Laura was the bunco host this time and she opted to have her Polaroid toy handy for the evening... oh yes yes.. don't mind if I do!
and I might have been the only one taking selfies... that doesn't surprise me.
Pretty sure I'll be doing this when I'm 80. in fact I know I will be!
Water logged, red eyes from chlorine, exhausted and somewhat cranky and you'd almost never know it by looking at these lovely images. Some of my recent favorites for sure.
Oh the brothers, oh the cuteness.
This next one is one of the things kellen does when hes 'being funny'. He's done this since he was one. its a hoot. I actually have several pictures of him doing this and making the funny facial expressions to go with it. T-total HAM! and we love it
If I was rich I'd have wall sized gallery wraps of alllll of these pictures covering the walls of my home. love love love love love these.
Happy 8th birthday to Jax.
Hope it was a great one for you!
This sums up June pretty well.
We are SOOOO ready for JULY