' In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path.' Proverbs 3:6

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hawt hawt coffee and plastic golf balls...16 Month Milestone

From the plastic golf balls I find under the covers of my bed to the hot wheels he stashes away in my sock drawer this little dude keeps me entertained and on full alert at all times...
Tomorrow he will be 16 months old and its been an adventurous time in our lives! 
The vocab bank is expanding with every passing day.. 'Taint two' is thank you.. peaze is please..He says nack for snack, poon for spoon, peesa for pizza, chic for chicken, and teettthh if he wants to brush his teeth. (aka waller the tooth brush around in his mouth and chew on it with his now 14 teeth!!). Go figure that the clearest sentence he says is 'get the ball' ..
He can THROW a ball practically across the room.
Jon is a lefty, and is thoroughly enjoying the fact that Kellen is throwing balls with his left hand. We will even hand it to him in his right hand and he will switch it over to his left hand before throwing it.. maybe a lefty pitcher in the making ???
We're having to try hard to teach him the difference of it being allowed to throw balls but not everything else, as we have both been pegged in the head with flying random toys.. and let me tell ya, when a wooden block is chunked at your head from close range it HURTS.
As you probably know by now, Jon and I are coffee fanatics! We set down regularly in our living room to enjoy a cup of joe together, and from day one Kellen has been infatuated with our coffee cups.. He will try to touch them and just keep saying hawt, hawt.. The other day Kellen said 'cof' so Jon was like 'fee' .. for some reason or another this was hysterical to Kellen. Jon would be like kellen say 'cof' , so he would and then he'd be like say 'fee' and Kellen would giggle and laugh.. This went on for several minutes we were all entertained. 
 He's a mess!
Such a happy happy baby with a kind personality.. He gets a little shy and quiet if a lot of people are around. He comes by this all too naturally :)
In the last month he's discovered he can scale the chairs at the kitchen table so I can leave the room for five seconds and find him setting on top of the table when I get back... Just pilfering through my wallet or bag or whatever else is up there.
I'm struggling to get him to eat his vegetables and fruits now.. he is even refusing bananas which he has loved from day one..He needs his greens!! ugh

We have been to the pool a few times this year and he's not crazy about it and I'm guessing it has to do with the water temp. The first day we had our redneck backyard pool the water was cold and he wouldn't get in.. but the next day it had warmed up and he got right in. He's timid about some things and that's ok by me. Maybe that means he inherited my dads 'proceed with caution' demeanor and it will help him stay out of the emergency room! Jon is the polar opposite so its a toss up...This momma can only hope! ha
He loves his family and nothing makes him happier then to be surrounded by his cousins and grand parents..
He is steadily growing in leaps and bounds.

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