' In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path.' Proverbs 3:6

Saturday, December 11, 2010

In the Christmas spirit.

Boy Tree!!
A friend of mine was telling me she wanted to do something special for her kids so they would cherish and have fond memories of Christmas traditions at their home. She decided to collect various nutt crackers... another friend collects the little villages of people they sell during the holidays.. Well this kids tree is one of the many traditions I want to have for our kiddos. For a couple years now we have put up a tree in Jaxson's room and dubbed  it the 'boy tree'. Each year we will add fun new ornaments to it until some day it is a huge tree filled with adorable keep sake ornaments from year after year.. My hope is that they look forward to seeing this tree every year and take a few minutes to look at the ornaments that are on it and remember when they made them or got them.

Our friend Lisa gave us this ornament last year, so perfect..

The difference one year makes is incredible! Last year Jon and I enjoyed a quiet kidless Christmas morning  while sipping coffee and enjoying each others company. We opened gifts and talked and laughed about how next year we would have a baby crawling around everywhere as well as Jaxson's year to spend Christmas with us.. so lets recap, one year we have a kidless Christmas holiday and the next year we have a family of FOUR !! Well, this is that next year !! We now have the adorably spunky baby crawling around almost walking, and we will have our five year old here as well.. Makes me smile just thinking of how chaotic but enjoyable it will all be. Totally worth it.  Maybe its the family mode that has kicked in with me or maybe its the getting older part, not sure.. but i am sooooo loving all things Christmas! Fantsy boxes, wrapping gifts, ornaments, decorations, baking cookies, looking at lights, candles that smell like cinnamon something, taping cards to the door to see how many I can collect, even Christmas cd's, bring em! My sons first Christmas, woot. here's hoping for SNOW !  

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